Web Development Deadlines

Estimation of the project work scope and meeting deadlines are the things that can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts between the contractor and the client. Let’s discuss the main reasons for missing project deadlines and possible solutions.

The most common reasons are:

  • Lack of clear technical specification.
    A client does not fully describe the idea, vision of the final result, or can’t formulate a clear scope of work.
  • Incorrect work scope estimation.
    An inexperienced specialist can give a wrong estimate of the project and therefore will not be able to meet the deadline.
  • Estimating the work scope without involving technical specialists.
    Estimation carried out by the manager or client without involving any technical specialist can lead to bad consequences and failure.
  • Work scope increasing.
    Additional tasks from the client, changes, or improvements to the project can extend the initial timeframe needed for the project implementation. So in this case, the project can last forever.

What can be the possible solutions?

  1. Reducing the number of tasks.
    Meeting the deadline by removing the least useful functionality without harming the product/project and avoiding cost overruns.
  2. Postponing the release date.
    Good option if the completion date can be changed without financial or any other losses.
  3. Increasing the number of performers.
    In the case of effective collaboration, increasing the number of performers can significantly increase the pace of work.
  4. Overtime.
    Effective, but not the best solution. It can lead to low work quality and employees burnout.
  5. Engagement of more qualified specialists.
    A good way out if the budget allows. However, it is also worth noting that the specialists will need some time to adapt to the project.
  6. Termination of the project.
    This option is suitable if the benefit of closing the project for one of the parties exceeds the cost of its continuation.

As we can see, a solution can always be found, but not without losses for one or both parties. The best approach, in our opinion, is a thorough investigation of details before the project actually starts, including clear specifications, accurate estimation, and the involvement of qualified technical specialists.

All of this will ensure great results!